
Design Studio

The location of the site of the workshop in Naddi, Himachal is engulfed in the thicket of trees, gushing water streams that pave pathways and local village settlement. The workshop ...

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Situated amidst the two ghats and the Gulabsagar lake in Jodhpur, are the residential blocks, a small temple and an akhaada- a traditional fitness center. The academic studio sets off ...

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Jan 15, 2021

Aranya, Indore

Aranya housing serves as a great example to explore and absorb the notions of public and personalized spaces within a tactically knit fabric of houses for the often-forgotten classes of ...

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Alternative Assemblies is an academic studio that aimed at exploration of alternative building technologies thereby later translating them into a set of Working Drawings for the selected sites.This was a ...

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Indus Visiting school collaborated with IAAC- Barcelona along with their FabLab unit for a program that was an extensive experience in digital fabrication and learning parametric design that spanned for ...

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